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Summer 2021 Kids Camp off and running

Sunday, June 20th, 2021.

Good afternoon Hamden Rovers club members. Our second annual Hamden Rovers soccer clinic kicked off successfully.

Our team was very professional and as usual showed total respect to each and


Robert Tullonge, and Kirk Gorden did an introductions, Donovan Lofters conducted a Money Management class, Michael Minto did a brief presentation on Rocket Technology, and had time to demonstrate blasting a Rocket in the air.

Great job by Beverly Felix, Kira Gordon, and Brianna Tullonge who were stationed at the Hamden Rovers registration booth.

Kirk Taylor, Leroy Frances and yours truly Donovan Cameron demonstrated stretch exercises, soccer drills, which involved goal scoring competition, dribbling the ball, controlling the ball and learning how to pass the ball correctly. Thank you.

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